Automated Production Preparation Platform

Experience a new, faster way to create Building packages with a dedicated online platform

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In four steps to the perfect Building package


Get instant insights in your 3D model:

  • Stock size check
  • Forming insights, bend form or planar
  • Part details: thickness & types
  • Automatically chosen markingside
  • What should be cut and what to order: plate/ profile

Supported file types


Easy alignment with your standards:

  • Add sorting, so every part can be recognized and positioned in the construction
  • Add forming details, to avoid questions during the build
  • Add welding details, so everybody knows where to weld

Supported file types


Pick and choose, to perfectly match your building process:

  • Flange markings on plates, to get every flange right 
  • Weld markings, so you always know what to weld
  • Bevels, to make sure you create the correct connections
  • Extra information with Lists and Building manuals, to complete the package
Supported file types


Start building with your fully customized
Building Package. Continue to benefit from:

  • Online workfloor guidance 
  • Instant access to 3D models
  • Customized view for building order
Supported file types

An add-on to your 3D CAD software

All you need is a 3D construction model export, using the software of your choice. The tool automatically recognizes all parts of your uploaded STEP or IGES file. And then creates your Plate & Profile files, Forming mold files and Building guides. Automated Production Preparation is compatible with exports from the most used software in yacht and shipbuilding: Nupas Cadmatic, Siemens NX, Shipconstructor, Rhinoceros 3D, Dassault Catia and many more.

Powerful features to help you customize faster


Add & remove parts

With the Add & remove parts feature you can easily adapt and work to a final model. When everything is in order start the production.


Customization Presets

Customization Presets are created to customize the model effortlessly. With one click the Navigator groups, the Colorize by and the Info panel are set up for a specific job.

Free test project

Seeing is believing. Transform your 3D construction model into a high quality Building Package, as a test. Free of charge.
This allows you to compare the speed, output and price of Automated Production Preparation to what you are used to