Rhinoceros 3D

Rhinoceros 3D


Use Rhino 3D as a freeform modeler to create 3D structures in a short time. In combination with Onepush it is possible to reduce the complete process


Rhino 3d is a great choice for detail engineering, supporting the creation of 3D construction models. It is a freeform modeler, and therefore very quick.
Although there are some tools available to flatten all the parts from 3D to 2D and create DXF's, Onepush is the only platform to create a complete Building package with all the required production information without manual labor.

  • The Onepush machine is designed to transform parts from 3D to 2D with great speed & accuracy
  • We aim to remove repetitive handling by automatically and accurately placing annotations on parts without requiring manual checking
  • All information next to the DXF's are created in one go
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Rhinoceros 3D


No conversion is required for Rhino 3D models to work with the Onepush machine. Simply save the files as the standard Rhino format, 3dm, and upload them directly to our platform.

  • No conversion needed because Onepush can read 3dm files
  • Less geometry issues due to the use of NURBS
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Rhinoceros 3D

Data integration

Providing information about parts other than geometry, such as material type, sub-assemblies, and plate or profile, can be done efficiently by using color coding, object naming, and layering in the 3dm file.

However, it is not mandatory to transfer additional data to Onepush. Based on our expertise, a 3D construction model without any data generally suffices, as the Onepush Platform generates all the necessary information to produce a superior quality Building Package.

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Rhinoceros 3D